The Blogger Recognition Award

I’ve been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by Alli from Wormal, Peri from  P.S. It’s Peri and Capili from Artist by Beauty!  Thank you so much, I just adore your blogs ❤

Let’s dive right in!



  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  2. Write a post to show your award
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
  5. Select (15) other bloggers for this award
  6. Comment on each blog to let them know you nominated them and link to the post you created.

How My Blog Started

I actually wrote my first blog post about why I started Daring To Jess, but in a nutshell, I wanted to have somewhere where I could ‘flex my creative muscles’ and basically do a mind-dump.

As a result, Daring To Jess has turned into a sort of time capsule of my thoughts, and I’m so grateful to you guys for reading!

Advice To New Bloggers

1. Engage in the Blogging Community

When I first started Daring To Jess, I didn’t expect for the best thing about blogging to be the people that I got to know through the internet.  Most of the people here share the same interests as you, have been through similar things and won’t judge.  It’s great!

If you don’t want to share your blog with people in your immediate environment (e.g. family, friends, colleagues etc.) that’s absolutely fine.  You will still get readers from the blogosphere!

2. Be Really Clear About What You Want Your Blog To Be For

If you want to start one to make money, there are plenty of posts out there to help you set it up, and I’d suggest you set it up properly with your own domain and everything.

If you are like me and just want a brain dump or a creative outlet, then don’t get drawn into what can turn into a dark hole of comparing yourself to other people and their successful, money-making blogs.


Here’s the bit that you guys are probably waiting for 😉 sorry if I’ve just nominated you for an award you’ve already got!

I nominated more than 15 because I wanted to thank as many of you as possible!  And I got nominated 3 times so I should technically nominate 3x the number of bloggers haha…

If I haven’t nominated you here, feel free to do this anyway if you’d like.  I nominate you 😉 if you want to be honoured on this blog, check out the Daring To You page!

I encourage you to check out the blogs that you find interesting!  All you awesome bloggers that I’ve nominated, you can choose whether or not to accept it (don’t worry, I won’t get offended!)

Thank you to everyone for your support! As always, I’m so grateful to all of you ❤

44 thoughts on “The Blogger Recognition Award

  1. Pingback: One more coffee and the blogger recognition award ♥ – Hope Dream Wait

  2. Pingback: 10 Blog Awards have made a happy Dizzy. :) – Dinosaurs, Donkeys and MS

  3. Pingback: Some Awards | Ute smile

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