The Sunshine Blogger Award II

I was nominated to do this by Wormal and The Walk of Thoughts – thank you, guys!  I’ve been huge fans of their blogs since the start so I would be so happy if you could do me a favour and check their blogs out 😉

Sorry this has been long overdue, I’ve been so busy with exams!  Well, I’m back.

Let’s dive in!


As per usual:

  1. Thank the person(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo on your post and/or on your blog.

Alli‘s Questions:

1. If you were a bird, what kind of bird would you be?

Ooh this is an original one!  I quite like the idea of being a swift – the fastest bird.  But Peregrine Falcons are really fast too and are predatory so I won’t get eaten by anything…  So maybe that 😉


2. What’s your favourite letter, and what is something that starts with this letter?

My favourite letter is J (obviously) because Jess starts with a J haha…  Don’t lie, your favourite letter is probably the first letter of your first name 😉

3. Have you ever had a déjà vu moment?

I’m not actually sure because I had a kind of moment once where I walked out of the dining hall and thought ‘I’ve done this before’ – but that could be because I went there every day…

4. If you could dye your hair any colour, what would it be?

I actually really like my jet black hair!  But if I had to, I’d probably dip dye the ends blue or something.

5. What’s your fondest childhood memory?

Well I still consider myself a child but if I had to choose one from school years I’d say that time when I performed Les Miserables in the orchestra, whilst many of my friends sang, acted and danced onstage.  It was a beautiful week and I still miss the shivery atmosphere that captivated the entire audience!

6. What did child you want to be when you grew up?

Child me wanted to be an interior designer (because I loved Ikea), but I didn’t really give much thought to my ‘dream job’ haha…  I still don’t know what exactly I want to do!

7. Now what do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be impactful.  I know that wasn’t what you were looking for in this question, but I don’t really know what exactly I want to be but I know that I want to make an impact on people for good and create long-lasting change somehow.

8. Do you think guys and girls can be just friends?

I deliberately don’t delve into topics to do with relationships because I have no experience 😢 but as for this question, I am definitely able to be just friends with guys even after that innocent period of youth and horny hormones hit – you’ve just gotta be honest and a touch humourous 🙂 unless there’s something I’m missing haha…

I feel like this topic deserves more analysis than the one I’ve given!

9. What’s your favourite place to eat at the moment?

My mum’s cooking is the best.  Then my dad’s restaurant.  Then maybe Wagamama’s?  It’s pretty cheap, gives decently large portions and tastes uh-mazing!

10. What is your favourite era?

My favourite era is now.  Even with all the political unrest and terrorism and cyber attacks and global warming…

Never before has the world been so prosperous, scientifically advanced, intelligent, diverse, connected or wonderful.  Don’t you think? What is your

11. What is your favourite song at the moment?

Nice easy one to finish 🙂 my favourite song right now has to be Cosmo by Soprano, which I discovered whilst revising/procrastinating French during exams:

All right, now for Questions from The Walk of Thoughts!

I like this question!  Generally I get writing on my blog, watch the TV series that I need to catch up on (right now it’s Steins;Gate, a crazy anime about time travel) and think up how I can surprise my mum and my brother when they get home (usually with food!)

My dream is to be able to make a very comfortable living by making an impact and helping the world get better, whilst maintaining healthy relationships with my family, friends and potential partner.  Is that too much to ask?

One of the items on my bucket list is to get on the cover of a magazine…  And I guess one of the criteria is that you’ve got to be famous – or maybe just an expert.  Because I certainly don’t tick the ‘good-looking’ box 😂

I know this sounds super cliché, but I would choose to fly.  It would be so awesome!  I considered invisibility, but I figure that I’m pretty good at fading into the background anyway haha

Hopefully, people would be a lot more trusting, more empathetic, more inquisitive and less angry all the time.

Probably if I woke up in the middle of the night and everybody had disappeared, but I knew there was a stealthy axe murderer coming…  Horror movie stuff, eh?

Probably my room, on my computer.  It’s so comfy, everything’s within reach, and I have a WiFi connection.  What more could I want? 😉

This question is so good too!  I don’t really have anybody I look to copy, as such, but I do draw inspiration from many people including my mum (classic), Jenn Im from clothesencounters (mostly style), Michelle Obama 💙, Marie Curie and other female scientists… The list goes on!

Build a time machine.  Can’t fail, right?

Alright, my more ‘realistic’ suggestion would be to ask whoever I fancy out, because I would have no fear of rejection.

Already kinda answered this before but that was my favourite song at the moment – I’ll take this to mean my favourite song I’ve heard so far.  That would probably be Machine by Misterwives, but Heathens by Twenty One Pilots comes in close!

Love a good bit of self-love 😉 I think I like how loyal I am to my friends, and I’m so lucky for my ability to study hard without going crazy.


Don’t worry if you’re not nominated for this award this time – I’ve got more on the way!

  1. InspiresN
  2. Expect the Exceptional
  3. Sarcastic Beauty Queen x
  4. Eirini’s Diary
  5. Rose from the Dark
  6. Robert C Day
  8. The Hunt and Peck blog
  9. The Depth of My Love
  10. The Golden Wave
  11. A Sprinkle of Joyy

My Questions to You:

  1. What is the number one thing on your bucket list?
  2. How do you relax?
  3. What is bringing you the most stress right now?
  4. Would you rather be the best of the worst or the worst of the best?
  5. How would you want to change the world?
  6. What would you do if you couldn’t fail? (I like this question, thanks The Walk of Thoughts!)
  7. Do you fear judgement?
  8. How do you deal with judgement?
  9. What moment would you be happy reliving forever?
  10. Name 5 of your strengths that you’re proud of.
  11. What’s your favourite song from your favourite band?

Aaaand that’s a wrap!  Hope you enjoy doing this, I won’t get offended if you don’t want to 🙂 and if you weren’t nominated but still want to do these questions, go ahead!

44 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award II

  1. Congratulations ! Jess on the award .Loved reading your answers and enjoy reading your wonderful posts.Keep up the great work! Thanks for the nomination and I will definitely look into it !

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Recent Awards – A big Thank you ! – InspiresN

  3. Pingback: Sunshine Blogger Award | robertcday

  4. Pingback: The Sunshine Blogger Awards 3 & 4 | GYPSYBUS28

  5. Pingback: Real Neat Blogger Award | Daring To Jess

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